Monday, 31 August 2015


Afternoon Prim Folk, we are back home from spending time at the lake, not sure for how long, still have 2 weeks left on my holidays.  But for now I am doing laundry and all the fun things like that,( giggles)  Was a wonderful time out there, lots of sitting on the porch reading, bird watching, fishing, campfires and just being lazy. Saturday went to the St, Malo farmers market, bought yummy yellow beans, corn on the cob, cucumbers and a pumpkin. 
pretty sunset on the lake
no laughing, my cute little Perch I caught and released

Hairy Woodpecker on suet log

cute Downy Woodpecker every night tucks himself in this birdhouse

Million Bells in old minnow bucket

me with my beautiful pumpkin

pretty white timer lights I put on my screen door wreath
one lazy little Angel who went back to bed on my pillow
So, all in all was a great time. Thanks for visiting me and my little blog, always a pleasure, Warm Blessings Francine.

Monday, 24 August 2015


Morning Prim Folk, Happy Monday to you all!!!!!!!!  We are off to the lake once again for the week. The weather is suppose to be nice and sunny, not to hot, just right.  Boy, the days sure are getting shorter I noticed, dark in the morning when I roll out of bed and around 9:00 its lights on in the house, dark outside......Wishing you a great week ahead, till next time, Warm Blessings Termite oops Francine.
Angel wavng bye bye

Thursday, 20 August 2015


Morning Prim Folk, it's been a while but I have been enjoying my holidays spent at the lake.  Relaxing, reading, sitting on the porch being entertained by the birds, boating and loving my campfires. Yes, I am a burnoholic, nothing like a crackling campfire when outdoors. That is one of the first things I do when I get up, light the fire and plug my coffee perk in. Then pour a cup of coffee and enjoy the warmth of the fire. It burns most of the morning, sometimes into the afternoon but always light it up in the evening. Cam calls me a termite, always needing more wood in the wood shed to burn. We took two Popular trees that were dead by the trailer, the park guy said we could so we did.  Cam used the trusty chainsaw, me on the wood splitter, I love to use it, makes me happy.  So that was what we did one day, filled up the wood shed nicely, so now I can really enjoy my campfires into Fall, lots of wood for a termite, (giggle)......Wishing you all a wonderful day, Warm Blessings Francine.
splitting wood


having fun

filling up the wood shed

Thursday, 13 August 2015


Morning Prim Folk,  Happy Thursday to you all!!!!!!   I have been enjoying my holidays so far being lazy  at the lake, lots of R+R.  The weather was wonderful the first couple days we were there but now very high humidity,  plus 40 today till Saturday, yikes!!!!  So I am happy we decided to come home sweet home yesterday for a few days before heading back out....  I saw on FB this craft to do with pine cones and I do have many, love them. You paint the flatter end of the pine cone with pretty colors to resemble Zinnia  flower blooms, thought such a cute idea to put in a wood bowl plus I can do that, easy peasy. So one morning got the paints, pine cones and away I went, brought them home, popped them into a long wood bowl, tada!!! prim flower power...........Wishing you all a wonderful summer day, will catch up with you on your blogs, Warm Blessings Francine.

Friday, 7 August 2015


Morning Prim Folk, Happy Friday to you all!!!!!!  It is really a happy Friday for me, my last working day for a month. I start my holidays after today, looking forward to bumming around at the lake most of the time. No big plans, not traveling to far away, maybe a trip across the border for a few days. I do look forward to spending time at the lake, I am thankful I have a little piece of heaven to go to and enjoy nature.  I will  miss blogging  [no internet]  and all you sweet friends though.  We will be driving back and forth to home, only 40 minutes away, for  there is grass to cut and such, so will try and catch up with your posts when I can. Till Next time, Warm Blessings Francine. 

Saturday, 1 August 2015


Morning Prim Folk, really cannot believe it is August 1rst already, summer is flying by.   Had a wonderful four days at the lake, the weather was hot.  My middle sister came to spend the night on Wednesday, I was very excited.  We had a great time, good steak BBQ for supper, nice pontoon boat ride in the evening on the lake and roasting marshmallows  over the campfire at night. The morning was also special with Sis, sipping coffee on the porch, laughing together, watching the birdies at the feeders, what a great time we shared. Wonderful memories at the lake were had, thanks Sis for coming to spend time with us, come back soon....Wishing you all a cozy summer day, Warm Blessings Francine.
Sissy and me

sweet Sister

marshmallow time

Angel keeping guard