Friday, 29 June 2012
Happy Friday Primfolk, another weekend is here,yey!!! We have had hot weather now for over a week, nothing but sunshine, no more rain, now I have to water the flowers every night. We are off to the lake this afternoon, this is our Canada Day long weekend, like the 4th of July for the American folk, our holiday is July 1st. Love the long weekends, it will also be a hot one so will be jumping in the lake to cool off. Cam`s Bday is also on Sat, so invited family out to the lake for a good old fashion cookout, lots of fun,food and family, yipee!!!!!! and lots of fireworks,boom boom!!!!!! Wishing you all a great weekend filled with much love and laughter, till next time, Blessings and Primitive Dreams Francine.
Wednesday, 27 June 2012
Happy Hump Day, well, this is a differant morning for me, had to post it. I love the mornings, rise early everyday. This morning I took my cup of coffee outside to sit, enjoy the coolness and wonderful sound of the birds and what do I see walking down our street, a parade of wild turkeys, say what!!!! I have seen them near our place but down by the river, never by our home, and here they were, a turkey parade just for me. Cam ran and tried taking pictures of them but they got spooked and were running away. These are the pictures that turned out, to funny. Well, shall go make another cup of coffee and go sit out again, see what will happen next, tee hee. Heres hoping your day will hold good things to, Blessings Francine.
Tuesday, 26 June 2012
Saturday, 23 June 2012
Hello,hope Saturday evening is fine for all you primfolk out in blogland. Today was another beautiful sunny warm day,we have had the sun shining now for 3 days,YEY!!! We just came back from Matthews 3rd Birthday party, was so much fun,our bellys are full, just going to relax the rest of the evening. Took a few pictures of the Bday boy, the family shared alot of laughs together, he is quite the little ham. My Brother bought this small house for the Grandkiddies to play in, so darn cute, here is Mattie blowing out the candles on his cake. I also took some pictures of my Brothers home inside to share with you. They are antique collectors to, enjoy primitives and dabble in selling antiques, my Sis-in-Law works at an antique mall in the Forks Market, she sells antiques also in there and my Brother books,they do really well there. Forgive me, I have trouble arranging the pictures but hope you enjoy them anyway. Their home is full of wonderfull quilts,treenware,firkins,you name it she has it. They travel all over taking in antique shows,huge outside fleamarkets in the States,both enjoying collecting. Well, wishing you a wonderful evening, thanks so much for stopping by, Blessings Francine.
Friday, 22 June 2012
Happy Friday, wishing you all a good one. Well, the first day of summer yesterday was just beautiful,warm, sunny with a gentle breeze blowing,thank you Lord. Had a wonderful supper with Mom,the fish soooo good. Then went back and planted her flowers,now she can look out her window and enjoy the pretty pots of color. The only thing is I forgot to bring the camera once again,but will be going back soon to visit Mom so will snap a few pictures to post. Will not be taking off to the lake this weekend, for have a Nephews 3 year old sons Bday party to attend,YEY!!! family time. Love to be around the little ones and a barbacue to boot, can`t wait till Saturday. Will leave you with a post of a few pictures of my flowers pots, the flowers in the gardens are not that great, to much rain, they need to feel the warmth of the sun. Enjoy the weekend, be blessed, Prim Hugs Francine.
Thursday, 21 June 2012
Happy Thursday Primfolk, would you believe I see a round yellow ball up in the sky,wow,I think they call that the sun, it has been way to long since we have had sunshine, great it finally has come out of hiding from behind dark grey clouds. After this post I shall pour a hot cup of coffee and go sit and enjoy the warmth of the sun on my old bones. How blue can you make me?? very blue, I love the color blue. I tend to always go for the color blue in alot of things,be it clothing,quilts,dishes, ahh lets face it,everything. I thought I would change the decor on my little blue trunk, it`s time, change is good I`m told. Finally left the small blue tin oil lamps,loves them so, blue patterned pantry boxes and dark blue bumpy candle on top. I find I just fiddle around way to much trying to get that perfect prim look, so after awhile thats how I left it. Going to take my Mother out for supper this evening, we picked a resturant called Joey`s Fish and Chips, mmmmm mmmmm good. Then go back to her place and plant some flowers she bought awhile back. She loves her flowers but has a hard time planting so thats where I come in. She has a cute little patio out back and boy she just keeps buying and buying flowers like she`s back on the farm, oh well,how can you say no to a 86 year old,if it makes her happy so be it. Will take some pics and post, she gets so excitied for she has wildlife right in her backyard smack dab in the city, a pair of Mallards come for dinner everyday, bunnies and even deer wander in to eat at her bird feeders,there are railroad tracks with feild out back so guess the deer hang out there somewhere. Well,enough rambbling on, will go out and catch a few rays, Warm Blessings Francine.
Tuesday, 19 June 2012
Sunday, 17 June 2012
Friday, 15 June 2012
My Father as a sweet baby,Happy Fathers Day Dad. |
Wednesday, 13 June 2012
Happy Hump day, wishing you all a good one. I`m really happy today, recieved my swap package from my wonderful and giving partner sweet Kendra from The Stone House Primitives. Oh my, I was like a little kid on Christmas morning, Cam was laughing at me I was so excitied opening up the box of goodies. She had wrapped everything in tissue paper and tied with tea stained cloth, so cute. I opened up one by one and jumped for joy, Kendra, really out did herself with giving swap prim treasures. This was my first big swap and let me tell you I could not have asked for such a sweeter partner, really great gal, one of my forever friends now!! There was the cutest prim bubble bee and herb doll, the sweetest butterflies with quilted wings, love, love, love them,rusty barbwire wreath with oh my stars hanging from it,yey!,crow with t-towel,quilted little pillow that said, Rather be at the lake, how true, Berts Bees package,cute little notepads, hanging wood sign said camper sweet camper, to cute and the sweetest little quilted Canadian flag on a twig, lovìn it, also an adorable bee skep card, girlfriend I LOVE EVERYTHING so much. What a talented crafter she is, I took pictures to show off my goodies, hope it does them justice. Also want to give a BIG thank-you to sweet Amy at Bubble Bee Lane for letting me be in the swap, was really so much fun,I already signed up for her next one, yey!!!! Kendra, want to thank you once again for all the dear to my heart goodies you gave me, will sure have fun placing them in my home. Warm Blessings, Fantastic Francine.
Monday, 11 June 2012
Good Monday Morning, hope all is well with everyone in Blogland and you all enjoyed a wonderful weekend. It has been raining here in The Peg since Saturday afternoon, feeling a little soggy, still hopeing the sun will come out, keeping my fingers crossed, but the weather man says more rain this week. Last evening thought I would putter around with some of my Sat. yard sale finds, find a permanent home for them, since I couldn`t putter outside in the garden. Took some time but finally placed the little syrup jug and 4 yellow bowls with the other yelloware in my chippy pink hanging cupboard. Oh I love that prim cupboard so, paid $45.00 many years ago,still is one of my favorite pieces, now it holds some of my dear to my heart goodies. Bought it at the Side Door Antique store I haunted as often as I could and I might add it was very often, the store was on route to my Mom and Dad`s when they still lived in their house, and I was always there visiting them and helping with chores as they grew older. I loved walking into that wonderful old store filled to the brim with such old treasures,hunting for that must have goodie, and thats where I found the pink cupboard and many of my antiques, spent alot of hard earned money there but the more I spent the better the prices,tee hee. The Antique store is long gone now, as is my sweet Father and my Mom lives elsewhere now but I still see the owner of the store Rob every Spring and Fall when the Antique show has it`s sale, he is the organizer, so it`s nice to chat once again with him. Well, thats all for now prim folk,enjoy the day, shall go pour another cup of coffee, OMG, is that the sun I see, oh but for a minute,think I`ll go start building an ark, LOL!!! Soggy Blessings Francine.
Friday, 8 June 2012
Happy Friday, another weekend is upon us, whats everyone up to? We will not be going to the lake this weekend, have some things to do at home, supposed to rain anyway. Well, this is what happened at the casino, played for a couple of hours, found a new slot game, went up to $100.00, pulled out my ticket,felt pretty good. Always seem to win on new games, but go back and play them again and squat, takes my money. Thats what kinda happened,went with $60.00, came home with $45.00, so I might as well say, not that great, put back my winnings and then some, when will I learn. Thats my one bad habit,like playing the slots, oh well, could be worse. Wishing you all a wonderful weekend, enjoy,till next blog, Prim Blessings Francine.
Wednesday, 6 June 2012
Happy Hump Day, wishing you all a good one. I`m really happy today, recieved my very first envelope textile swap package this morning in the mail,yipee!!!! So very excited I was opening up the envelope and finding the sweetest prim gifts from my wonderful swap partner Cindi from Cindi`s Country Corner, A BIG THANK YOU CINDI, I LOVE everything. A cute note from Cindi, two primitive t- towels, one with a flag and the other stars,yey, and a little pillow with the saying, Bloom where your planted,and the sweetest small bee skep pillow,all are prim perfect. Also want to give a big shout-out to Tammy for including me in my first envelope swap,thanks Tammy, was so much fun. Tomorrow am going to Southbeach Casino,it`s about an hour away from where I live, feeling lucky now,tee hee.Cam is doing a job there, thats what you get for living with a handy man, everybody whats him to do this or that. The Casino is right across the street from where he will be working so I thought I might as well go play the slots for abit,my bad. Will let you all know how I`ve done, Warm Blessings Francine.
Tuesday, 5 June 2012
Happy Tuesday Prim Folk, beautiful morning here, birds singing,bees buzzing, all is good. Well, I`m a picker, garbage that is, was out last evening walking the dog, today is the garbage collection day, so there was garbage out last evening for pick-up. Walking by this one place and out by the rest of the garbage was this big ole metal watering can, oh my, my heart beat a little faster, I wanted it so, who would throw out that?? Went back home, waited a little longer, till darkness fell, and out I went, scooped up my prize,happy as a lark with my new old watering can. It`s a little worse for ware but thats the way I like things, just like me, tee hee. Like they say, other peoples juck is someone elses treasure, just had to share my little garbage story. Enjoy the day, Happy Trails Francine.
Sunday, 3 June 2012
Good Sunday Evening, hopeing everyone had a wonderful weekend, I`m back from the lake all relaxed and rested. Had a very good time, the weather was warm and sunny, just a little rainfall Friday evening, is all. Planted the flowers I had brought into the windowbox, feed the birds, sat by the campfire with my hot cup of coffee and enjoyed the beauty God displayed. The hummingbirds were so entertaining, love to watch them, and we had put up a new birdhouse two weeks ago, hopeing Bluebirds would nest in it, found out last year there were Bluebirds in the area, yey!!! Such is not the case, found a pair of Swallows had moved in, thats o.k,they eat alot of bugs to. Saturday went to the Church sale, wow, people everyware, had a hard time looking and seeking, but came away with some goodies, I think anyway.Took a picture of them to show you, cute watermelon slice citronella candles on a stick,a vanilla candle,mmmm smells good,a Delfhite flower pot, a little chip but works for me,an old fan and two clay chickens,all for the great price of $4.25, gotta love those rummage sales. Wishing you all a great week ahead, thanks for popping in,Warm Blessings Francine.
Friday, 1 June 2012
Happy Friday, wishing all the prim folk a wonderful weekend. Had a great day yesterday, the weather was warm and sunny and went to one of my favorite antique sales,yipee!!!! It is held for a week, in Spring and one in the fall,called the Red Barn Antique sale and is such a fun one. Anitiques in a big old barn with many prim goodies and other things thrown in, they also own draft horses, ponies and donkeys to visit in the pasture, love it. There are 4 ladies that put this sale on, all have such wonderful items, from furniture to yelloware, something for everyone. Wanted to bring my camera and snap a few pictures of the place but oh ya, half way there, bingo, forgot the camera. I`ve found some of my favorite goodies there, this time I found a sweet Boston Terrier doorstop, not old but fell in love with it, a little rag rug, broom and this treenware board. Happy with my goodies, like I need more, oh of coarse I do, right. Hi Ho Hi Ho it`s off to the lake we go, leaving this afternoon, hope the weather stays warm and sunny, want to plant some flowers and there is a Church yardsale in the small town of St.Malo, our camp is just outside of town, not to far, so have to check out the sale, never no what you will find. Hope you all enjoy the weekend, ta ta for now, Warm Blessings Francine.
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