Tuesday, 31 July 2012
Good Tuesday Morn Primfolk, hope all is well with you. I`m still complaining about this heat and humidity, really bad today, tomorrow, gads all week. We did have a fast little storm Sunday night, lots of wind, rain and small hail. The ground was so thirsty, drank it up so fast it was like it never happened, still had to water the next day. I went out and checked the flowers, found a nice branch of Black Eyed Susans broke off, so out came the pruners and cut them up to put in a granate coffee pot on the table, will enjoy them inside the house. other then that, not much happening, will be in the house changing things up a bit I guess, to hot out for me, whew!! Enjoy the day my friends, Blessings Francine.
Sunday, 29 July 2012
Happy Sunday, hope all is good with you fine folk, whew, hot, hot, hot out once again, I`m melting, feel like I am anyway. We came back from the lake awhile ago, had a really great time, the weather was a little bit cooler then today, having a heat wave, a tropical heat wave today. Cam enjoyed being on the lake fishing and I enjoyed reading, sipping coffee by the crackling fire, me happy. Sat, morning we went to the little farmers market in town, bought, yellow,green beans, tomotoes, cukes and corn on the cob, then hit a yard sale coming back home, so glad we stopped, found some goodies, yahoo!!!! Cute jam, jelly container, honey pot and a real neat McCoy log cabin cookie jar, has a chip but love it anyway, great for the lake I think, all for the price of $4.50. We also popped into my Brothers Bday party in the afternoon then drove back to the trailer, nice it`s only 45 minutes away. My brother Ron had a wonderful party, filled with laughter and lots of love. My Sis-in-Law really outdid herself in the food department, barbacue steak, chicken, baked potato, salad, pork-n- beans, garlic bread, need I say more, my tummy was busting at the seams. Also a good old fashion homemade cake, so yummy, good time had by all. So all in all another wonderful weekend, hope you all had a great weekend to. Leave you with a few pictures of my yard sale goodies and the Birthday party, Blessings Francine.
Birthday Boy |
my Mom, Mattie and Sis-in-Law |
Friday, 27 July 2012
Happy Friday Primfolk, finally enjoyed a cooler day yesterday, was so nice but back to the heat and humidity this weekend and week ahead, oh yuk!! Can`t believe July is almost done, where oh where does the time go, so darn fast. Went to Wal-Mart last night for a few things and drove past Home Depot and out in the front of the store were these pots of Sunflowers, oh my, I love Sunflowers, I had planted some this Spring but the never showed. So Cam stopped the truck, I ran out and bought a pot of these beauties for $10.99 and on to Wal-Mart we went. Came home, put them in an old steel pail and there they will be, so so pretty, I really like them. We are off to the lake this afternoon, yipee!!! but have to come back in tomorrow afternoon for my Brother`s Birthday cookout, yummy, wouldn`t miss that. Thats whats nice about camping close to home, about 45 minutes away, so we can come and go when we want. Wishing you all a wonderful weekend, stay and play safe, till next time, Blessings Francine.
Wednesday, 25 July 2012
Happy Hump Day Primfolk, hope this Wednsday finds you fine and dandy. Want you to meet my new Beau, he really is a sweetie. He just arrived from Oklahoma, oh I love him so so much, he stole my prim heart. I ordered Pumpkin guy from Brenda at The Rusty Thimble, thanks Brenda, you did good. He took awhile but he arrived safe and sound, and don`t worry, he will be loved and in a good home. Good timing to, I sure needed a brisk Fall Pumpkin doll right about now, this heat is getting to me, still hot and humid but tomorrow they are calling for cooler temps, yahoo!!!! , shall wait and see. Well, hope you all like my new guy, he`s a keeper, take care, stay cool, hang loose, well, you all get it, Blessings Francine.
Sunday, 22 July 2012
Good Sunday Evening Primfolk, hope all is well with you and yours. Well, it is one heck of a hot day here, temp is as of now still 102, and the time here in Winnipeg is 7:30, guess it won`t be a cool night. I`ve been hiding in the house since coming home from work, a little to hot for this ole gal, don`t get me wrong, there are some hot I like, hot cup of coffee, hot crossed bun, hot potato, you get what I`m saying, but hot tempatures NOT!!!! bring on the crisp fall days anytime now. So once again I start redecorating, this time in the living room, moved some of my corn collection to the old pie keeper, had them up on a shelf before. Bought the resturant pie display case years ago at Sidedoor Antiques, loved it right off, but the glass had a crack in one corner, still I wanted it so Rob sold it to me for $45.00 bucks. I took it in to replace the glass, cost $25.00, so still loved the piece at the price of $75.00 dollors. So this is what it looks like for now, always like to change things up, do you like??? Wishing you all a good night, Blessings Francine.
Saturday, 21 July 2012
Good Saturday Morning, hope you are all safe and sound,enjoying another weekend. This morning is really nice and cool, but heading for high temps and humidity once again, when oh when will that humidity stay away. Last night I was feeling a little restless, it`s summer I should be outdoors enjoying the flowers and evening but oh no, I just can`t take that heat, so I`m staying indoors. Well, I get the feeling to redecorate, change things up abit, you know I was really bored when I started tweaking in the downstairs bathroom. It was time to change up the toilet tank lid, really, I guess it needs a change of scenery, so thats what I did and this is what I came up with. Kinda sad but before I new it was bed time, so that was my exciting Friday night, sure hope your Friday night was a little more exciting, tee hee. Enjoy the weekend, Prim Blessings Francine.
Thursday, 19 July 2012
Good Afternoon, I`m back from the lake and I must say it was so nice and quite, we were the only campers there, oh how sweet it is. Not that I don`t like being with the other campers but I do enjoy the peacefulness, just Cam,Angel and myself enjoying nature. Cam spent his time fishing morning and evening, I sat by the fire,sipping coffee watching the antics of the chipmunks, squirrels, rabbits and beautiful birds, even some birds came to visit that I haven`t seen yet, a Red Breasted Nuthatch,oh so cute, a young Evening Grosbeck,I think and a Purple Finch,how excited was I, love the birdies. I did go for a ride in the boat last evening, was very nice, Cam was fishing, Angel and I went along for a ride, I didn`t get my fishing lisence yet but hope to soon. It is really humid today,yikes!!!!! I`m hiding inside the house now, shall catch up on my blog friends yey!!! On the way out Tuesday afternoon, stopped into one of my favorite haunts, Appleseed Attic, the cutest little gift/ craft store. The owner lives on the property in a beautiful old farm house and she made this little store from one of the buildings that was on site when they bought the place. Not to sure what it was used for,maybe a henhouse, but they fixed it up and is now so sweet. I took a picture of the outside of it, and what I bought this time. I have found some really neat prim goodies there,like I said, one of my favorite places to stop into, handy being on the way to the lake, oh ya!!! The gal and her mom are so nice, great people,do not mind giving her my business at all. So had a great few days, now back in the hot city, hope all is well with yourselves, take care ,Blessings Francine.
Sunday, 15 July 2012
Friday, 13 July 2012
Happy Friday The 13th, I believe it to be lucky, hope it is for all you wonderful Primfolk. The weather here is still so hot and humid, I`m slowly melting, no rain in sight. So we are heading out to the lake this afternoon,yey!!!! what better way to spend a hot weekend then at the trailer by the cool, clear water, ahhhhh. I sure hope my flowers made it though the heat that I planted by the trailer, last time I was there they looked pretty, BUT, they must need a drink of water by now, though we are in the shade under alot of trees, guess will find out when we get there, also the two ceders must need a drink, wink wink. 2 weeks ago is when I tripped and did a face plant at the lake on the deck, gals, no flipflops this weekend, will not do that again, still carry some scars from that Friday, and yes, there will be a campfire going no matter how hot, tee hee. Wishing you all a happy and healthy weekend, play safe, Blessings Francine.
Tuesday, 10 July 2012
Saturday, 7 July 2012
Good Saturday Morning, so far the morning is nice and cool, aahhh,even slept with the windows open last night. But, by this afternoon it will heat up again and that darn humidity will come crawling back in, so for now the windows are still open letting in the fresh air. I took my cup of coffee outside to sit and enjoy the outdoors while it`s cool and this is what was greeting me, Peter Rabbit, so sweet. He has been around for awhile now, so far he`s not eating my flowers, just munching on the grass. Also the pretty little Goldfinch was out having breakfast, such a sweet dainty bird, so happy for my bits of wildlife in the yard, makes my heart happy. The simple things in life are grand, hope your heart will find happiness today to, Blessings Francine.
Friday, 6 July 2012
Good Friday Morning Primfolk, hope all is fine and dandy with you all, still really hot and humid here in Winnipeg, looks like it`s staying for awhile to, oh well, I`ll be hiding in the cool house. We are not going to the lake this weekend, Cam has a few things to do at home. Yesterday decided to take a little ride to an Antique store on the outskirts of town, just felt like I needed to find some new old treasures to cheer me up, found a few goodies I had to have. I love old corn collectables, found the salt and pepper shakers, a cute little corn pitcher, so sweet, call me corny but love them, I have a collection happening with old corn things. Then came across this old white enamel candle holder, well, I never saw one like this before so it`s coming home with me to, then saw this sweet little old wind up bunny, ahhhhh, had to buy him to. He sure has seen better days but thought I would give him a good home, so thats my buys for the day. Makes me feel better just to rummage through all the great old items that brought joy to so many people, if they could talk, would be so much fun to listen to their stories. Wishing you all a great weekend, stay cool if it`s still hot in your neck of the woods, play safe, taa taa for now, Blessings Francine
Wednesday, 4 July 2012
Happy Hump Day, wishing all my American blogging friends a very Happy Independance Day, God Bless the Red, White and Blue. Hope you all have a wonderful day filled with much love and laughter, sharing this day with loved ones. I have grown very fond of you all, I`ve laughed, cried, found comfort, joy in just being able to read stories of your lives in this blogland we share, you are all dear to me, thank you from the bottom of my prim heart for letting me in your lives, Bless you all!!!! I`m feeling a little better each day, the worst is my face but the black eye is slowly turning yellow from purple, not to sure what looks worse and my wrist is really sore, just taking it real easy these days. Want to give a big thanks to you all for your kind words and well wishes, means alot to me. I will be watching the fireworks tonight on t.v., you Americans know how to throw a party and give a great fireworks show , love it. Enjoy the day, Warm Blessings Francine.
Monday, 2 July 2012
Happy Monday, I`m back from the lake, sure was a hot one!!!! Came home and turned the air conditioner on blowing that nice cool air, ahhhhh. Sat. Cam had a wonderful Bday cookout, the Birthday boy had a great time and got lots of goodies, took pictures but forgot my camera back at the trailer, oh well, it will be there when we go back. Friday evening I had a bad fall, tripped stepping up onto the deck and I face planted hard, cut my forehead, swollen right eye and leg scrapes and so sore, felt like I was hit by a semi and looked like I was to. Woke up Sat. feeling even worse,but did enjoy the family barbacue,thanks to hugs from my Mommy, by Sunday I`m sporting a black eye, today the top of my eye and underneth is a bright purple and almost swollen shut. Those darn flipflops really sent me for a flipflop, guess I should learn to walk, but it could have been worse to, I could have broken something or other, now it`s looking like me and Primitive Annie could be sisters, tee hee. And how was your weekend??? Blessings Francine.
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