Friday, 28 February 2014

Wednesday, 26 February 2014
Good Morning Prim Folk, hope you are having a good one so far on this middle of the week Hump Day. Almost into the homestretch of March, so looking forward to that. We are still experiencing very cold weather these days. Wind Chills bringing the temps in the -34's, with no end in site. So I find myself spending hours on the computer looking on Pinterest prim boards, Face book, admiring homes, furniture and such. I don't watch a lot of T.V. but do enjoy watching The Voice and American Idol these days. So I will share some of the things I came across that I fell in love with, Wishing you a wonderful day, Warm Blessings Francine.
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love this copboard |
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love this kitchen |
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love the stove |
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would love to be sitting here by the fire |
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love all the light streaming in the windows |
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love this cozy bedroom |
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beautiful old mansion |
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wonderful old farmhouse |
Monday, 24 February 2014
Greetings Prim Folk, , hope you all had a great weekend. I spent the weekend being very lazy, was my weekend off so felt that's what I wanted to do. The weather was crappy, cold, blowing snow, you know, the regular winter stuff here. We did venture out Saturday to a small town, Stonewall Manitoba, even with the weather like it was, but had to get out and about. We were looking for a Home Hardware store and that's where one was. Not really far, just a nice drive out of town. Also found a Antique/ Florist shop there too in was once a old post office. Was so nice to see flowers and greenery, then saw a nice big rusty heart hanger so had to bring that home with me.
If Spring ever arrives I thought it would look good with Pussy Willow branches in it, something along that line........ Till next time, wishing you all a good day, Blessings Francine.
If Spring ever arrives I thought it would look good with Pussy Willow branches in it, something along that line........ Till next time, wishing you all a good day, Blessings Francine.
Saturday, 22 February 2014
Morning Prim Folk, here we are on the last weekend of February already, yay!!!!! bring on March. Still I am harping on this loooong cold snowy winter, freezing this A.M. with wind chills, also snowed again over night so after breakfast guess what I will be outside doing, yup, shoveling................. Cooped up in the house I find myself puttering around redecorating, need a little breath of Spring to keep in mind it will be coming sometime................ I also received a sweet little surprise gift from a dear friend in the mail, love this American sign, thank - you Prim Rose. Even though I am Canadian, I do love my American neighbors. Sorry about the Hockey games but I am one proud Canadian!!!!!! :) Wishing you all a great weekend, Warm Blessings Francine.
Thursday, 20 February 2014
Good Morning Prim Folk, Happy Thursday to you all sweet friends...........Not much new around these parts, just spent Wednesday lumping around with Angel, not doing much of anything. Cannot do much without my sweet little shadow, always find her hanging out with me, ahhhhh, but I love her dearly. I did catch the Olympic Canadian men's hockey game in the afternoon. Oh, was a real nail biter but we won, woo hoo!!!!! Loves me some hockey, Angel, she could not care less, she was just hanging out on the lazy boy with me............ Wishing you all a wonderful day and welcome to all the new followers, Blessings Francine.
Angel just chill'in, her favorite way |
Tuesday, 18 February 2014
Morning Prim Folk, hope you all enjoyed a long weekend, finding it hard to believe it's Tuesday already. We received more of the white stuff Sunday night, always a joy to make up to more snow on the already high snow banks, NOT!!!! So I spent my day off with my trusty shovel in hand making a path to the mailbox. Then I find the snowplow and grater had cleaned the street and left a very high ridge on the front walk, oh bother. So I started clearing the ridge when the neighbor across the street came over to help me, a Angel in camouflage. Cam was not feeling well so I really appreciated his help, he only asked for a cup of tea, well, spiked with a little rum, no problem. We are enjoying milder temps this week, in the single digits , woo hoo!!!, but the weekend cold once again, so I will enjoy the warmer weather this week.................Wishing you all a wonderful day, Warm Blessings Francine.
snow in the back yard |
my neighbor leading me a shovel |
Sunday, 16 February 2014
Happy Sunday Prim Folk, I really need a shot of Spring, so some prim bunny's are out hopping around the homestead.
Wishing you all a great day, Warm Blessings Francine.
Wishing you all a great day, Warm Blessings Francine.
Friday, 14 February 2014
Thursday, 13 February 2014
Greetings Prim Folk, hope you are all safe and warm those that were hit with the Winter storm, oh my, seems it was snowing all over last night. Even though the sun is shining now, I woke up to lots more of the white stuff blown into hard snowbanks in the front yard. I grabbed the camera and snapped some pictures, enjoy my friends :) Warm Blessings Francine.
nice warm sunlight inside living room |
not so nice cold snowbank outside |
under the pine tree |
back yard, covering my old Empire stove |
front yard, somewhere under all that snow is my birdbath |
Wednesday, 12 February 2014
Good Morning Prim Folk, hope all is well in your neck of the woods on this fine Hump Day. Here, nothing really new, weather still cold, had more blowing snow yesterday. Sure did get my work out shoveling, wow!!! tough when the snow is hard packed and no where to put it. The yard is one big snowbank. At least the sun has been shining so that makes the cold days better, I enjoy sitting in the sun on my favorite chair, feels good on the ole bones :) Any body out there have big plans for Love Day? being Friday is Valentines Day. We will go out to Applebee's for supper, that's about as special the day will get, fine by me. Cam did buy me a bouquet of pink roses that smell heavenly the other day, love them. .........................Wishing you all a wonderful day, Warm Blessings Francine.
Monday, 10 February 2014
Greetings Prim Folk, hope you are all doing fine and enjoyed a great weekend......I don't always want to harp about the cold weather but this past weekend was really freezing one once again, did I mention I am really getting tired of the winter :) So I found some cute baby animal pictures to put a smile on your face, sure put one on my face. Enjoy, Blessings Francine.
Saturday, 8 February 2014
Good Morning Prim Folk, Happy Saturday to you all. Still very cold here in ole Winterpeg, nothing has changed in the weather department, -26 with the wind chill today.....................I received the sweetest gift in the mailbox Thursday. I came home from work, went to pickup the mail and found a box, YAY!!!! Saw that it was from a sweet friend, came inside to open up the box to find the most beautiful Valentine stitchery in a frame. Well, she brought happy tears to my eyes, so thoughtful. Little did Donna know that I have been wanting a lovely stitchery for some time, I adore and will treasure it along with Donna's friendship, thank you Dirty Martini Queen from the bottom of my prim heart...........................
Then yesterday I received my swap package from dear Becky, over at Ginger Cream Hollow, got to love that name. Inside were wonderful hamdmade hearts, stars, little crow pillow, a big beautiful pin keep heart and the most yummy smelling melting tarts, smell so good. Thank you Becky so much for all the goodies you sent, was a joy being your swap partner in Amy's Humble Heart swap. A big thank you Sweet Amy for hosting these fun swaps over at Bubble Bee Lane...............................Enjoy the weekend my friends, Warm Blessings Francine.
talented Donna's stitchery, LOVE!!!!!!! |
Becky's wonderful swap goodies |
Thursday, 6 February 2014
Hello Prim Folk, Happy Thursday to you all...........Well, I know I am going stir crazy, have cabin fever when I found myself redecorating the downstairs toilet tank lid. Oh ya, there I was, changing things up in the bathroom yesterday morning. I guess this long cold winter is getting to me, but I do like the redecorating I ended up doing............... In the afternoon I went to visit my Mother, do some chores for her. Poor Mom has been suffering with a sore back lately, having such a hard time moving around, do not like seeing her like that. My sweet Sister popped in also to visit with us after she finished work, I have not seen her since she came back from the cruise they took. Was wonderful to see her and hear about the fabulous time they had on the boat. She brought me back a beautiful ankle bracelet and pretty bracelet, love my Sister so.................. Wishing you all a great day, Blessings Francine.
newly decorated tank lid :) |
Tuesday, 4 February 2014
Good Morning Prim Folk, yay!!! January is history, good riddance, what a wicked cold snowy month it was. I know here in Canada we are known for the cold winter months but wow!! it was a little to cold for so long, also the amount of snow that fell and fell. Not that the beginning of February is any better but it's closer to Spring, I'll take it. Also loving the longer day light, so nice..................... Picked up the new March issue of Country Sampler so I spent yesterday cuddled up with it enjoying sites of Spring and many wonderful primitive decorated homes, happy happy. One of my favourite pastimes I enjoy, reading a good book or a great magazine with a cuppa and a yummy smelling candle burning. This scent of the candle is Smoke House, has a pleasant smell of sweet wood smoke when burning. My SIL bought the prim jar candle for me years ago when they took a holiday to Pennsylvania, Amish country. I love it and never wanted to burn it, I would smell it every now and then but finally I decided to burn it and oh my, smells so good................May you take the time to enjoy the simple things around you, Tis a gift to be simple.........Warm Blessings Francine.
Sunday, 2 February 2014
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